The exceptional girls from our Young Bad*ss Lab program have been invited on stage at AWE Europe (Vienna Oct’23) & VR Days (Rotterdam Nov’23). they became a true hype since they’ve won the auggie word at awe eu 2023 for best in show!

Imagine a world where dreams take flight, innovation knows no bounds, and equality reigns supreme. WIIT Europe, alongside InnovationGirls and Imsi3D, is on a resolute mission: to shatter ceilings and amplify opportunities for exceptional girls from the 2023 Bad*ss Girls design competition, from both (Nigeria) Africa and Europe.

Imagine a metaverse where everyone's voice matters, where young talents soar high, and where barriers are merely stepping stones to success. That's the world we're creating, and we're inviting YOU to witness their story of empowerment.

This remarkable journey broke barriers…

Here's the scoop: We’ve put the spotlight on the Bad*ss Girls Community at Augmented World Expo (Vienna - Oct '23) and VR Days (Rotterdam - Nov '23) and this is what happened…

Five exceptional young talents – Marta Teivane, Tereze Bogdane, Amelia Stys, Najda Musta, and Natalia Styś – led by the insightful Richard Zreik, shared how they're blending creativity with technology to make a positive impact in their panel... “Bad*ss Girls in XR: Fueling Futures”

Their panel at AWE was not only enlightening but a testament to the influential role of youth in the future of XR. On top they’ve won the "Best in Show" award at AWE EU 2023.
Read their full story or start watching some of their highlights here below.

Bad*ss Girls in XR: Fueling Futures at AWE EU ‘23 in Vienna, Austria incl winning the “Best in Show” Auggie Award!

Together, they’ll continue to craft a metaverse that's inclusive, innovative, and utterly inspired. Turning dreams into Reality…
We've all fueled the futures of Bad*ss Girls in XR in 2023!